A flower press on a wooden table surrounded by petals and flowers

Bonfire Virtual Residency, 2021

Bonfire Virtual Residency, The Loop

In 2021, I participated in a Bonfire Residency with the theme of The Loop. This was a remote/virtual residency with participants from all over the world. Pat and Lukas guided us through virtual meet-ups, studio visits and coordinated guest speakers. It was a really incredible opportunity to connect with folks from different areas and with different practices. I spent a lot of time thinking about my own practice, the loop that exists within it and experimented with different approaches. I hope that I get the chance to participate in another virtual residency and highly recommend if you have the chance to!  

Two tin foil containers with flowers sitting waiting to be photographed

More of my thoughts from the Bonfire website:
«I started BONFIRE thinking that I would have a final «piece» to share, but through conversations and through exploration of my own artistic practice, realized that my process in itself is quite a loop that I find myself in. Documenting the process that I repeat for each leaf, petal, flower, piece of honeycomb or stone that then gets used (potentially) in many different pieces in the future. This is a loop I’m sharing with you.»


Visit my residency profile here with more behind the scenes images and videos.